Here to help you achieve your newest PR comes the PN 3. 0 Saddle from ISM. This sleek saddle is built with both speed and comfort in mind, letting you go faster with more comfort. The PN 3. 0 uses ISM's Performance Narrow chassis, honed from the feedback gained from its sponsored athletes to create a unique saddle design that really works. Its slightly wider 120mm tail and tapered-edge mold design is extremely comfortable and ISM claims it will literally "disappear" underneath you. Like other saddles in the PN lineup, the PN 3. 0 offers exceptional thigh and hamstring clearance. This allows for more rider body movement, as well as cutting down on chafing and excessive friction that can lead to irritation. You'll also appreciate the auto-racing inspired air vent chassis keeping you cool and allowing water to drain as you exit transition. All ISM saddles, the PN 3. 0 included, is nose free and designed to remove pressure from soft tissue which ensures maximum blood flow, no numbness, and a healthier, more enjoyable ride.